Geagea Says Kuwaiti Paper Can Save Lebanon from 'Hell', Urges Official Cooperation
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said Wednesday that he highly values the Kuwaiti paper and considers it "a real opportunity to pull Lebanon out of hell."
He added that the paper shows the keenness of the Gulf on Lebanon's interests by wanting it to become a state that offers its people decent living conditions, within Arab support and international legitimacy.
Geagea warned against "wasting the chance." He said he wished for President Michel Aoun and Prime Minsiter Najib Miqati to seize the opportunity that will bring back prosperity to Lebanon and save it from the collapse.
He also advised Lebanon to take practical steps and to cooperate with the Kuwaiti initiative that reflects "the vision of the Lebanese yearning for freedom and justice."
Solution => Cedar Revolution II on Sunday March 13 (no politicians needed!).
Cedar revolution I liberated Lebanon from occupying Assad forces, Cedar Revolution II will liberate Lebanon from occupying Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces and its criminal Hizbollah organization.
Listen @thelebanese dude..
There is a big difference between Iran and the Saudis..
The Saudis do not try to spread their ideology. The Iranians do. And they can shove up their @@@ their Wilayat El Fakih!
The Saudis used to come to Lebanon. Spend big bucks. Purchase property.
Iran only sends weapons and money to their proxy.
Saudi has made many many donations to Lebanon. Billions of Dollars. They sponsored Hospitals. Rebuilt villages.
At the end of the day, we care about neither. But at least, they do not sponsor and armed militia, nor do they command a proxy in Lebanon to wage wars or spread death and murder. They do not try to impose a model on us. Iranians do. So if you like this model. Be my guest. Join them!
Cedar Revolution II: Only one theme: No arms outside army and UN Charter Neutrality
At midnight the start of March 14, the million plus peaceful crowd, joined by Moussa Saddr’s Shia compatriots, will shout in one harmonious voice Jebran Tueni’s pledge ushering a new day, a new economic, social, political reformist recovery vetted plan by Lebanon’s best experts in all fields, and the selected honest competent members to implemented it in the new parliament.
It doesnt exist the so called "iranian occupation". Israel occupied Lebanon fo 18 years killing tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians while Iran doesnt have IRGC troops in Lebanon. I remind that Hezbollah paramilitary troops are Lebanese people. That concept of "Iranian occupation" is ficticious while Saudi Arabia is the side who is trying to control Lebanese politics. The main evidence is that the Saudi dictatorship imposed the resignation of a ministee. Saudi Arabia only provided money to Hariri, Miqati and other thiefs to make them rich, but Saudi money has had no positive effect in Lebanon.
@Omar Ghosn.
Thank you for all those fallacies and inexactitudes.
Where do you live Omar? Easter Island?
Our problem is not Israel. It has not been Israel for quite some time.
Have you listened to you leader Nasrallah?
He admitted several times that his money comes directly from Iran.
His militia and ALL of his commanders have been trained either by Iranian Revolutionary guards, or IN Iran.
His militia is sectarian with shiaa exclusively.
The Wilayat el fakih is fiction??
Have you ever seen Hezbollah raise a Lebanese flag? No
Have you ever seen them raise the Iranian flag? Yes
have we ever seen hezbollah replace the Lebanese flag with theirs? Yes
Do you see Saudi flags in Lebanon dude...?
yes they probably did give some money to try and counter the Iranians. fair enough. This is what you base your augmentation on?
Go sip a Margarita,and switch back on your Playstation man.
Your name is definitely 'Omar' ya Abbas-:) Your Hezbollah are Iranians living in and occupying Lebanon. Your Iran said it controls 4 Arab capitals (Beirut being one of them). Now, go sell your Iranian propaganda somewhere else ya pos!
@powertopeople: You add value as always albeit under a different alias. Keep them coming!