Jumblat 'Sad and Lonely' as Hariri Announces Withdrawal
Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat said Monday that "the country was orphaned today," after former Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced his withdrawal from politics.
"Mukhtara is sad and lonely," he added in a tweet, to which he added photos of the small Chouf town covered in snow.
The tweet came right after Hariri announced his withdrawal from politics, in a televised address.
"There is no hope for any positive chance for Lebanon amid the Iranian influence and international confusion," Hariri said, with tears in his eyes.
Jumblat later claimed in a press interview that Hariri's decision would give Hizbullah and the Iranians the upper hand, adding that "the decision is very saddening."
"We are losing a foundation for independence and moderation," the PSP leader said.
This is directly the result of Jumblatt and Hariri compromises with the devils and criminals occupying Lebanon. In addition, Gagea, Jemayel and Thuwar were not smart to build on the wins the international community has provided Lebanon; from UN resolutions, to US sanctions and Gulf ultimatum. What Lebanon still need is a Cedar Revolution II on March 13 with one theme: No arms outside army and Positive UN Charter Neutrality. Everything else is a waste of time. Compromises that will leave even one Iranian rocket in Lebanon is a kiss of death to Lebanon, recovery, sovereignty, democracy and justice. The world and diaspora is waiting for Cedar Revolution II to liberate Leb from the Basij and the criminal Aoun/Bassil judas & Useful Idiots used by Hizb to attack moderate Sunnis.
What is happening today was predictable. Gebran Sons wrote in 2006 that Aoun/Hizb agreement will lead Lebanon to the Abyss along with democracy, freedom and recovery. Hizb used Aoun like a marionette playing on his ego to get everything they need to devour Lebanon piece by piece. In exchange Aoun only got selfish benefits for his presidency and his son-in-law, the worst two politicians in Lebanon’s history, a metastasized cancer on the Christian Community and democracy. Hizb got first the only support for its 2006 war for the purpose of protecting Iranian arms occupying Lebanon. They then used Aoun and the other Idiot Franjieh to attach all sovereign and democratic forces. Followed by using this duo to attach moderate Sunnis and Gulf nations. Finally, dividing Christians to distract the West whereas Hizb destroys Lebanese institutions from banking to education to Justice… a copycat of how Basij destroyed the Green Revolution in Iran.
Al Jazeera now, 1749 GMT, 24 January, 2022
Saad Hariri Lebanon
Lebanon’s former PM Saad Hariri suspends political career
Former Lebanese Prime Minister announces he will not run run in upcoming parliamentary elections.
The Emir of Qatar is deeply troubled--my interpretation. Although he is enemies with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,they are united in their opposition to majority rule.