رئيس اركان الجيش الاسرائيلي: سنمسك بلبنان ونعيده 80 عاماً للوراء
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس أركان الجيش الإسرائيلي الجنرال بني غانتس ان بلاده قادرة على الامساك بلبنان وارجاعه ثمانين سنة الى الوراء، لافتاً في الوقت عينه الى ان الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله "يدرك جيداً ما سيحصل للبنان إن تحرش بنا".
وفي أحاديث عدة الى الصحف الاسرائيلية، شد غانتس على ان الامور في مواجهة حزب الله "لا تدار، بالضرورة، من خلال الحروب والمواجهات العسكرية بل يجب أن تدار المخاطر بحكمة".
وسئل عن قدرات حزب الله، فأكد ان لدى الحزب الآلاف من الصواريخ الدقيقة والثقيلة، التي ستؤدي الى سقوط عدد كبير من القتلى في إسرائيل، في حال حصلت حرب، الا انه شدد على ان الجانب الإسرائيلي، قادر ان "يمسك بلبنان ويرميه بما فيه سبعين إلى ثمانين عاماً إلى الوراء، وسنرى حينها ما سيحدث. ولن أكون متفاجئاً إذا تطلب من الأمر القيام باحتلال مناطق من لبنان".
ولفت الى انه "في حوزة حزب الله، وبتزويد من ايران، اعداد كبيرة جداً من الطائرات غير المأهولة، ومن بينها طائرات هجومية، الا اننا نعرف كيف نسقط هذه الطائرات، ونعرف كيف نجمع المعلومات الاستخبارية، كما نعلم كيف نعمل على الارض".
وأوضح، قائلاً ان اسرائيل لا تواجه "جيوشاً نظامية، وحربنا المقبلة ليست شبيهة بحروبنا الماضية، اذ اننا نواجه كمية هائلة من الصواريخ ومن الطائرات غير المأهولة".
وأشار الى ان "الجبهة الشمالية مع لبنان هي التحدي الاساسي من ناحية اسرائيل، لكن لدينا جواب على ذلك. لكن اذا اندلعت الحرب شمالاً، فستكون طويلة وقاسية وتتطلب جبهة داخلية صلبة وقتالاً وتماسكاً وطنياً".
الا انه أكد بالقول "نحن سننتصر".
ولدى سؤاله عن نصرالله، قال غانتس "هو مشغول الى اقصى حد ممكن في ساحات اخرى، وهو يدرك جيداً ما سيحصل للبنان إن تحرش بنا".
وتابع في احاديثه قائلاً "صحيح ان التهديد موجود شمال اسرائيل، الا ان تقديري ان حزب الله لا يريد مواجهة شاملة، لانه يدرك ثمن المواجهة".
...and of course as usual, the normal Lebanese civilians are stuck in the middle of this religious garbage, hope you're both proud of yourselves...
Israel is not and was never HA's priority. Their religious Jihad war against their fellow moslems is their number one priority. I wonder what is their plan or timetable for liberating Shebaa Farms or Jerusalem .
What fellow muslims ex? Nusra or Da3ish? I know those are the ones you support, whom are not considered muslims.
oh, the ones your terrorists in so many videos said they wanted to kill and liberate Mecca from. You know what I mean I am sure.
Israeli military advisors, keeps warning Netanyahu about Hezbollahs new capabilities, they've received from the Syrian unrest.
Your idiotic assumptions, are far from reality.
Please not another "victory" Lebanon has suffered enough for the your countries "Iran" agenda dont u think? And if victories were like that I'd hate to see a loss. :)
yes of course, it is always the same: overstate your alleged enemy's capabilities in order to get more funding. When are you going to liberate Shebaa farms?
Israel archieved none of it's objectives during the 2006 war, they also ended up retreating from Lebanon.
yes they retreated to the Litani river and closed the airport, port, and every road in Lebanon. "Had I known" you were such an idiot I would have not replied.
Which is the reason why, Israel has been targeting Hezbollah stockpiles and Syrian Army bases and aeroplanes, and haven't shot at neither Nusra or ISIS even once.
Your garbage doesn't add up.
under the standard layer of hasbara BS, gantz confirming two things:
-da3esh/nusra works for them, and their main reason for being is to attack hezbollah, trying to weaken it and divert its focus from israel the real enemy
-israel still does not dare attack lebanon, it has been 8 years and counting since the last time they tried.
even while having to deal with da3esh/nusra, hezbollah still has more than enough capabilities to smash the israeli boyscouts if they ever tried an adventure here, and they know it.
Nice avatar of a filthy terrorist, would've hoped he's burning in hell, but I'm an atheist.
So its ok for a militia to decide war and peace in Lebanon? This is the type of country u want to leave behind for the future generations?
The militia was set up by Iran as part of the struggle to control the middle east get it right please and less of your bull propaganda this works on the poor brainwashed masses but not with anyone who has half a brain. Iran funds you ie they own u. Your loyalty lies with another country. All the rest of your arguments are a smokescreen ( and not a very good one).
Fortify the LAF? When the army is fully capable? Whatever happened to the shebba farms issue, and the liberation of Jerusalem issue you kept throwing on the table not so long ago. My my how your memory betrays you. Last thing u want is a fortified LAF, you want a weak eroded state, its in your masters interest, you want it to look like a farm and an example of your state is when u go to the port, customs or government establishment where your said and istaz backed brokers meet u at the entrance in order to finish the simplest procedures otherwise dont dream of completing anything.
some moral support for hassan in difficult times..
thats the corollaire of ziad..
wilayat el faqih in real trouble.
Oh yes not to mention tens of thousands of displaced, billions of dollars in damage, loss of tourism which indirectly affected the whole country we are after all tourist country and our economy relies on that unless you consider captogon a substitute. History will not forgive you for all the harm u have done to Lebanon.
You will be retiring in the Hague...6 feet under ground in a dark and cold cell just for all those children and women you killed and mutilated. Your day is coming. You have no sense of humanity let alone humility. You're a war monger and will rot in Jail the rest of your old days along with your bosses from within the Knesset and Ministry. Shalom zabri.