
7 B2B e-Commerce Platforms in the MENA Region

Alibaba (China’s biggest e-commerce site and global leader in online B2B trading), TradeKey (a Pakistani company “competing against Alibaba”), and Global Sources (a Hong-Kong based B2B company facilitating trade between Greater China and the rest of the world), are among the global leading online B2B marketplaces.

Generally, this type of e-commerce websites connects sellers and buyers by enabling each party to:

- create a company’s profile

- post products’ photos

- provide products’ description

- provide details about the business terms and requirements

- search for business partners

Let’s take a look at 7 online B2B trading and networking platforms in the MENA region.

1. BizTrumpet

The website was launched in the beginning of this month. It is an “online service aimed at empowering SMEs online presence” as described Effectively it is an online marketplace where companies create professional business sites as well as search for local and regional business opportunities. The idea is initiated by the UAE based Tejari, an international provider of supply management solutions.

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